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时间:2024-03-21 11:40:58编辑:超级管理员来源:本站当前位置:首页>>天一最新试卷答案




In OctoberMediterranean fruit flies were discovered in an area of Los Angeles. California is a big farming stateand this was serious news for farmers. The Mediterranean fruit flyoften known as the“Medfly”is one of the most serious threats faced by farmers worldwide. Once the Medfly makes its way into an areait can be very hard to get rid of.

The fies lay their eggs in over 300 kinds of fruits and vegetables. When the eggs hatchthey turn into worm-like larvae( 幼虫) that can ruin these products. The problem is that it can be hard to know that the flies are there until it' s too late. That' s because the fruits and vegetables still look normal even after the eggs are laid inside. So the damaged fruits and vegetables can be sent to other placesallowing the Medflies to spread.

Mediterranean fruit fies were first found in California in 1975but they really became a problem in the 1980s. LuckilyCaliformia has developed a program to control the Medflies. The program involves using planes to drop millions of Medflies over the area. That may sound like a bad ideabut it' s actually a tricky way to make sure that Medfly numbers go down.

The trick? The airplanes only drop male flies and all of them have been treated so that they are sterile. This means that even though they can mate with female fruit fliesthe eggs produced will never grow or hatch.

In the early growing stagesthese sterile flies are grown in labs in Hawaii and Guatemala. The insects are colored with a special substance to make sure they won't be confused with wild Medflies.

These immature insects are then sent to Califormia in huge numbers -around 200 million a week. They' re raised until they' re adultsand then they' re treated to be sterile. Finally the flies are released from airplanessing a special method designed to spread them out over a wide area. The government says that the number of infestations (times when flies are found) has been cut by over 90%.






