South Africa does have a calendar flled with more festivals than most people can think of. In fact,many of these festivals have won international popularity.
Aardklop Arts Festival
Every year during the last week of September, the southern region of the northwest province prepares itself for one of the country’s greatest cultural festivals. Held in the university town of Potchefstroom with its thousands of students,it offers a five- day feast of classical music,jazz,hard rock,visual arts,poetry and more,ending with the “OppiAarde” rock festival on the final day.
Grahamstown National Arts Festival
At the end of June each year Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape is transformed into one huge happening for a period of 11 days,when the Grahamstown National Arts Festival gets underway. It' s a national phenomenon of arts. The festival offers more than 500 shows from opera,drama and jazz to stand-up comics and folk music.
Arts Alive International Festival
The Arts Alive International Festival , held in Johannesburg every September since 1992, is an annual festival of music,dance, theatre and performance-poetry. Over 600 artists take part in the four-day festival, which consists of a musical feast, dance performances and events ,poetry readings ,theatrical productions, and workshops. The festival ends with the popular “Jazz on the Lake" held on the final day.
Cape Town Jazz Festival
Since its birth in the year 2000,the Cape Town Jazz Festival has grown into a successful international event. Arguably the best jazz festival in Africa,it takes place in Cape Town every last weekend in March. It features around 40 international and local artists. Performances are held on stages in exhibition halls throughout Cape Town,including one free ,open-air show.