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时间:2024-01-08 14:39:09编辑:超级管理员来源:本站当前位置:首页>>天一大联考



第三部分  语言运用(共两节,满分30分)



I had never been more anxious in my life. I had just spent the last three hours reaching the airport. Now, as the bus driver set my   41   on the airport sidewalk, I realized that my   42   journey had only just begun.

This was my first visit to the international terminal of the airport. I couldn’t   43   any sign and nothing was familiar, so I began to   44  . I tried to ask a passing businessman for directions, but my words all came out   45  . He just   46   and walked away.

Another bus arrived, and the passengers came out. Here was my   47  ! I followed them, finally reaching the elevators. No! There was not enough   48   for me. I watched in despair as the elevator doors closed. I was   49   again! When the elevator returned, I got on it and   50   pressed button 3.The noise announced the opening of the door, and tears of disappointment formed in my eyes when I found it was a   51   lobby(大厅)!

What was a surprise was that just then an elderly airport employee came around the corner. He saw that I was   52   and asked if he could help. He gave me his handkerchief to dry my eyes as I   53   my situation, then led me down a long hallway. At last, there was customs! He left before I said something, but I will always remember his   54   kindness. I can only hope that I will support others who are   55   in a terrible journey.




Peking Opera, also known as jingju in Chinese,   56  (list) as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2010.

Peking Opera is a purely Chinese opera form   57  (date) back to 1790, when the famous Four Opera Troupes first came to Beijing and it began to   58  (formal) take shape in about 1840.A popular Chinese saying sums up the strict training required for Peking Opera: “One minute of   59  (perform) requires 10 years of practice”. The highly stylized ancient Chinese art form,   60   a history of more than 200 years,   61  (combine) music, dance, drama, and martial arts.

“Many teenagers are   62  (familiar) with pop music, movies and computer games than the students at the Beijing Opera Art’s College, who practice   63   ancient art form every day and will grow into professional performers. They will keep traditional Chinese operas alive,” says Wang Guo, a Peking Opera teacher.

Wang was also trained at the Beijing Opera Art’s College and then furthered her study at the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts,   64   she graduated from in 2020.“It takes so long to train and it is difficult to achieve fame, but   65  (know) that we are keeping a unique tradition alive is what drives us,” she says.





